#NZLEAD RECAP: Crisis Management

The recent Wellington earthquakes provided a good prompt to ensure we were all thinking about crisis management and having good plans in place. When asked what the first thing businesses needed to do in a crisis it was to communicate. It came out strongly amongst the participants:

Communication becomes the core of everything we do. In order to be a successful leader we need to be a good communicator and the same goes for having a successful crisis and contingency plan. Businesses can have the most comprehensive and detailed plans for when a crisis hits, but if the leader is not a good communicator the plan will quickly fall to the wayside.


At a time of a crisis it is important that your business leaders stand up and help employees through it providing a human element as well as the technical aspects. HR can provide advice and support to leaders during a crisis to ensure they are including the human element and providing good support to their employees.


Earthquakes don’t happen everywhere, but it doesn’t mean a crisis can’t hit where you are. It is important that no matter where we are our businesses have a plan in place incase something happens. Be prepared and be prepared to help your leaders step in a time of chaos and need. HR aren’t the face of the organisation or the emotional rock of the organisation (as said by HR Tinker) but we are the department that helps managers manage relationships and therefore we are in a unique position to help them be the best they can be in a time of need.